Welling Lagerstedt & Honkanen

We always provide our clients with trustworthy, straightforward and effective service. We solve our clients’ complex issues swiftly with first-class service and in a solution-oriented manner. We operate cost-efficiently and openly and deliver our advice in plain language – not legalese. We are focused on providing our legal services to small and medium-sized companies as well as private clients, but we also serve larger corporations in our core areas of expertise.

Strategic advice
High quality

We believe in efficiency and results. Our clients need pragmatic solutions, which enable them to achieve their objectives. Properly used, the law is a tool, which facilitates desired results. The firm’s task is to ensure that the disruption caused by a legal issue is as small as possible.

Reliable and high-quality legal services

WLH serves its clients in a trustworthy manner, efficiently, and by creating added value through clear and constructive advice that supports the achievement of our clients’ goals regardless of the situation.

Added value can only be achieved by high-quality execution and by utilizing our attorney’s expertise in formulating effective and constructive solutions. Our clients bring us problems – we provide them with solutions.

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